Reflections on 2014

Man, the year that sucked big time. Not to belittle those of you who found it a real blessing…but for me? Sucked big time.

I had such hopes. The year I was going to release over a dozen books, see my sales take off. Lose weight, travel more… Yeah, right.

I did good, for about three months. Husband and I followed a three month program put on by my local FleetFeet. Lost weight, walked more… Books were on schedule, I was learning a whole lot from a new local writer who mentored me in self-publishing. I discovered how to save money with what I was doing.

And in May, I flew to New Orleans for an insanely busy Romantic Times Booklovers Convention. Never been to NOLA, I was kinda excited. Save that my older sister had something going wrong with her body. I was scared, and worried and…distracted. By the time I got home, we knew it was lung cancer.

Fast forward 5 months. I’d begun to eat. I’m an emotional eater, and I was a mess of emotions. And my only way of coping was to sit and edit books. I had a ton of books waiting for editing. So…I edited and I ate and I sat on my ass.

Lost her in September. So…2014 stunk.

Once more, I have high hopes for 2015. What will I do? Stay on my publishing schedule, get my body moving more. And joining Overeaters Anonymous. Will I travel? Not so much. Plan on a few local conventions and a vacation with the husband. But no RT. Other changes in 2015 include the dissolution of my local chapter of the Romance Writers of America. I’m tending to the closing down and the rebirth of the writing group into a simple monthly meeting of writers. All writers, romance plus anything else.

But before 2015 starts… let’s bid goodbye to 2014! Good riddance!

What are you going to leave behind from 2014? Things you’re proud of? The best of days? The worst of days?

I’ll start…I’m leaving behind the constant ass-on-couch.


  1. My local RWA chapter is disbanding, too. We didn’t have anyone eligible to run for president! I’ll miss going to the meetings.

    I’d like to leave my excess weight behind in 2014, but since that’s impossible, guess I need to work harder at getting rid of it in 2015.

  2. I had another year as president to serve. But our treasure was ready to go…more than ready. It really came down to our wanting to be more inclusive, not less. The new bylaws left no benefit to remaining in the organization. The debates, regarding to those bylaws, left a bad taste. We’re gonna have much more fun on our own.

    I want to shed weight…but more importantly I want to move without pain, recover stamina, and simply feel better. I get that going, the weight will fall away. And I really do think OA will be a step in the right direction.


  3. Well…you DID meet me in 2014. That was good, right?

  4. That was a HUGE highlight of the year!

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