
Mr. Clutter visited this week. And like, wow. I tried to back out at the last minute. Well, the night before. I’d spent Tuesday doing what I could to get ready for him.

You know, the same way a person spends a day cleaning when the cleaning lady is due?

I didn’t say it made sense.

Anyway, luckily, he didn’t pick up my e-mail and showed up anyway. And we spent three hours sorting and arranging and dusting and taking the first steps toward my office remodel. I say first steps because I still don’t have the desk and I still want to paint and…well, there is still a lot to be done, but it’s better!

This corner is showing promise. All those shelves are just holding place for the rest of the stuff I need to place there. And lots of that bric-a-brac is going out.

The official desk, one I stand at to write will go in this corner…

And this corner? Sewing!

The forth corner is a door, so nothing special going on there. It’s strange, being able to see the carpet…and the walls…and we’re not going to address the closet in this room. Not yet!

Yes, I had to hire someone to help, but it was a great help and worth it!

One more visit is planned for Mr. Clutter, for the living room and two closets that are in dire need of culling…

Happy clutter removal to all!


  1. I bought cleaning sessions on Groupon and haven’t used them yet because the house is a mess, especially since Mikaela got home. I need a Mr. Clutter, too. I did so good last year culling so much stuff. Now I’ve acquired new stuff. Which is not good!

  2. We can almost see you getting lighter as this stuff comes together. And once the clutter is gone, the words will flow and flow and flow. 🙂

  3. Ashli – Cleaning help will be next on the list. No, wait, first is yard help…after the clutter stuff… Then the yard, then probably permanent yard help and yeah…sigh, help cleaning inside the house is last of the priorities!

    Terri – I’m feeling it. It is so strange to see the carpet and all the empty space… The dog is in a bit of a panic about it. She doesn’t like CHANGE! She’ll learn to live with it…

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